The idea of the “soulmate” is as ancient and old as time. Our hearts have been on the lookout for the idea of being with one soulmate since we were just a child hearing stories in fairytales or reading romance novels. But do soulmates truly exist and soulmate drawing really work? Is the one really out there who matches our soul energy and drives in life?
Here we will delve into the philosophical ideology behind soulmates, what it means in different cultures, and an ancient query that everyone is curious about: does each of us have a soulmate? Finally, we go over the new trend of what they are calling a “soulmate sketch” and “soulmate drawing” which tries to put into an image this invisible connection between your soulmate and you.
Soulmate Ideas in Different Cultures throughout History
One that represents an innate connection between two individuals and signifies that they are fated for one another — soulmates. So, from where did this idea arise? There are numerous accounts of soulmates and ancient cultures have their own definition.
Thousands of seekers have realized their soulmates. Why wait?
Humans were first formed with 4 arms, 4 legs and a single head with two faces as in Plato`s Symposium. Plato writes that once, beings so powerful and split into two parts themselves, The Gods tremble in fear from those who could assemble them back together, forcing each to spend their eternal life searching for the second half to mend the torn apart soul. It is one of the oldest literary references to soulmates: completing each other soul-biology and you most every soul.
There is an idea in Hindu philosophy of soulmates rediscovering each other in different lifetimes, ranged across multiple lifetimes, to live with one another. The same perspective on soulmates is prolonged in the belief that karmic and destiny are an integral part whether soulmate is involved.
In Chinese folklore, for example, souls destined to be soulmates are connected by the Red Thread Of Fate. According to the ancient Chinese legend, the Gods tie an invisible red thread around the ankles of those that are destined to meet and help them connect regardless of time, place or circumstances
The Contemporary Understanding of Soul mates
Nowadays, soulmates have been associated with the idea of finding your soulmate for a perfect romantic partner. But more and more people are becoming aware that a soulmate isn’t limited to only your partner or potential lover. Soul Mate are not just lovers, it can be a friend, family member or mentor — someone who comes into your life and deeply changes you in ways no one else can.
While this definition might challenge our romanticized concept of soulmates, it may get us into the discussion or debate depending on what you believe in, which is; if everyone has a soulmate? If yes, then how do we find them?
Is there a soulmate for every person question is very philosophical query and the perspectives are vary from person to person.
Many believe soulmates are fated to be, that the universe or something greater has already predestined who we are meant to cross paths with in our lives. Such a deterministic outlook resonates with ideas of destiny and predetermination, that essentially, regardless of the decisions we might take, each one of us is on course to meet the person we are meant for.
Existentialist philosophers, on the other hand, such as Jean-Paul Sartre would say a soulmate goes against human freedom. According to existentialism, this denies their very freedom of choice that determines their own meaning. From this angle, it turns out that a “soulmate” can well be anyone whom we decide to give our all in love, not necessarily someone we are meant to spend the rest of your life with.
Consider also the Buddhist understanding… which only complicates matters further. The point of Buddhism is not that there is a soulmate out there, but to be self-aware and calmly peace within oneself. Your soulmate might not be your forever partner, they just represent how much you have grown spiritually. We only draw relationships that match the vibration of love and understanding we have for ourselves. By doing this, the idea of a soulmate becomes less about fate and much more about the vibration where we are operating.
Can One Really Visualize A Soulmate? — Soulmate Drawing
Over the years we have seen a spike in “ soulmate sketch” and “Soulmate drawing” trends. The trend consists of a professional artist or psychic drawing what the person’s “soulmate” looks like, according to spiritual insight scopes, descriptions and even zodiacs. The concept is to paint a picture of what our soulmate looks like in the hopes that when we meet them, the face will be familiar.
To others, the idea of a “soulmate drawing” may seem gimmicky and merely a manifestation of our longing for something that is but a non-existing phenomenon; yet, as everything in life: if it resonates or gives us clarity & peace – why not!? For most, this provides them with a moral sense of comfort; proof that their soulmate was more than just a figment of the imagination. The sketch is likely not an actual representation of the one person that you are destined to end up with but a figurative visual prompting you in life for love or the search for something deeper and more meaningful.
Okay, so can a soulmate drawing really help us find the person meant just for us? Similarly, there is always the counterargument to be made by skeptics that these sketches are probably just a visualization of what we want or fantasize about instead of someone truly meant for us. The soulmate drawing could still be used by those who rely on visualization and manifestation to hone their energies towards meeting their love.
So… Are We Destined OR We Choose?
Perhaps the greatest question at the heart of this soulmate vs no-soulmate debate is are we fated to meet them or do we ourselves actively choose our partners. Appropriately, the psychological concept of synchronicity was advanced by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung — who believed that apparent causality was permeated with happenstances that have depth and are worthy signs for guiding our way in this thing we call life and the relationships we generate within it. If we consider this perspective, the universe simply brings soulmates together and it is for us to recognize them and also continue further with those relationships.
However, a lot of psychologists and relationship experts argue that true healthy relationships are based on choice, work and mutual respect. Instead of hoping our paths cross with someone who is perfect — we can cultivate awesome relationships by intentionally pursuing partners that care about the things, and do enjoy the stuff, we do. Thus a soulmate need not be intrinsically for us, but someone whom we choose to spend time and love on.
Conclusion: The question of the ages
So, do soulmates exist? Your view of this question might have a lot to do with how you see the world. For those who believe in the power of fate, destiny, and even spiritual connections — soulmate stands tall as an inspiration that we are never alone on our life’s journey. So many cultures and belief systems tell the tale of lives interwoven through time and space (whether it be by reincarnation, via a red thread or simply synchronously)
But some of us might favour the existential or psychological, as — are soulmates are not about destiny of two people but actual relationships that we get to build? A soulmate in the understanding of someone you encounter that awakens your energy and becomes a significant other is appropriate far as it goes; it doesn’t mean they are meant to be with us for all-time, although sometimes they might but rather how deeply their destined path corresponds with our individual path.
We may or may not all have one soulmate in the world, but what we do know is that wanting to connect on a level as important and intimate as this is one of the most basic human needs. How our quest for connection becomes the story of tangled destinies in love, whether through a soulmate drawing or through building relationships.